

PUBLISSO provides guides on selected current topics in the field of Open Science, which expand on the FAQs. Further topics will be added gradually. If you are interested in a specific topic, please feel free to contact us!


ELN Guide: Electronic laboratory notebooks in the context of research data management and good research practice – a guide for the life sciences

The ELN Guide provides those responsible for information infrastructures as well as researchers with the necessary information to be able to organise the decision-making process for the selection of a suitable Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) individually and in line with requirements.

In addition to basic knowledge, the introduction of various ELNs is presented using best-practice examples. Info boxes assinged to each chapter contain numerous links to further information. Templates such as a needs assesment fpr ELN supplement the guide.

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The Open Science Guides expand the range of advisory services offered by PUBLISSO.

Guide for Establishing Gold and Green Open Access Publishing Platforms

The guide supports institutions involved in the development of publication infrastructures. It provides an overview of the requirements for the platform so that it is perceived by researchers or funding institutions as reliable, secure and of high quality.The guide provides an overview of different systems, each with an example of use. It deliberately does not make any recommendations for a specific software, as each application has different requirements. The guide is based on the requirements of the DINI certificate and the fulfilment of the Plan S specifications.

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Prof. Dr. Ursula Arning,

Prof. Dr. Ursula Arning

Phone: +49 (0)221 478-5603
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Birte Lindstädt,

Birte Lindstädt

Phone: +49 (0)221 478-97803
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