PUBLISSO system: an independent publishing software open to all disciplines
The PUBLISSO publishing software developed by ZB MED is based on the Drupal content management system. Launched at ZB MED in 2015, it was designed with single-source publishing in mind right from the start. This means the entire publishing process takes place within the PUBLISSO system. From the submission of the article and the management of the review process right through to publication, everything is handled by PUBLISSO without requiring any additional software.
The PUBLISSO software is a web-based solution that can be used to publish various text formats including journals, series and “living handbooks”. Conference papers will soon be available as an additional format. The publishing system is currently HTML-based (including automatic generation of a PDF) but the team plans to introduce the option of XML-based publishing in the near future. A digital object identifier (DOI) is assigned for all publication types. Versioning is also available as an option (i.e. assigning unique version numbers to each individual contribution). This allows outdated contributions to be quickly updated and modified with minimal effort.
ZB MED offers PUBLISSO in two variations: as open source software and as PUBLISSO system including hosting and maintenance services.
PUBLISSO: Open-source software
PUBLISSO publishing software is available free of charge to any institution interested in offering open-access publishing services. The open-source software is designed for use in any discipline, making it the perfect choice for research institutes, professional associations, university libraries and many other organizations. The current version of the software is designed for single-source publishing of journals, living handbooks and series. Conference papers will soon be added to the list of compatible formats.
Open Source Software PUBLISSO gold
The PUBLISSO system including hosting
As well as offering its tried-and-tested publishing software, ZB MED also provides paid services such as software hosting and maintenance. These services are aimed at institutions that do not have the necessary in-house IT infrastructure or the staff to handle the work involved. Whatever discipline you specialise in, PUBLISSO’s services will help you create an efficient system that allows authors to self-archive their works and reach a wider audience. Digital preservation of the published content by ZB MED is included in the service. ZB MED is also happy to consider requests for custom extensions to enhance the software’s functionality and layout.
Are you interested in using or learning more about the PUBLISSO system? Please get in touch so we can guide you through the next steps.
Kyra Hennschen
Open Access Publication Manager

Prof. Dr. Ursula Arning
Phone: +49 (0)221 478-5603
Send mail
Further information
Open Source Software PUBLISSO Gold