Repository for Life Sciences
In the spirit of Open Science, PUBLISSO – Repository for Life Sciences (FRL) offers authors the opportunity to publish their work and research data permanently and in Open Access up to 1 terabyte free of charge.
The specialist publications are made permanently available on the internet in compliance with copyright law and are archived for the long term. They are given a high degree of visibility through their integration in subject portals that can be searched worldwide, a reliable citation capability through the assignment of a permanent identifier (DOI) and a stable internet address, as well as guaranteed data security even in the case of technical conversions.
We offer a special service to institutions in the life sciences that do not have their own repository. These have the option of offering their publications coherently filtered via the FRL.
Collections in FRL
International Conference on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Health Care and Life Sciences (SWAT4HCLS)
Open Science Festival (OSF)
Workshop on Data and Research Objects Management for Linked Open Science (DaMaLOS)
- FACCE MACSUR Reports (2012-2017)
- The MAK collection for occupational health and safety (1972-2019), for further information on MAK Collection, take a look here
- PM QM – Fachzeitschrift für pharmazeutische Medizin und Qualitätsmanagement (2023-), for further information on this journal, take a look here
- Zeitschrift für Audiologie (2018-2019)
On-going projects
- COVID-19
- DeepGreen
- German MeSH, for further information on German MeSH take a look here
- LeibnizOpen, discontinued on 31 December 2024, for further information on LeibnizOpen take a look here
- NFDI4Health, for further information on NFDI4Health take a look here
Katja Diederichs
Related links
PUBLISSO – Repository for Life Sciences (access link)
Publishing in the repository
Policy / Guidelines
Copyright Policy