Events archive
AGMB annual meeting 2023
- Julia Fürst, Birte Lindstädt
- 18.09.2023 to 20.09.2023
- 09:00 Uhr bis 16:30 Uhr
- Bonn
Workshop in the context of the AGMB meeting 2023 in Bonn on 18.09.2023 from 9-12:30: "Einführung in das Forschungsdatenmanagement für personenbezogene Gesundheitsdaten".
Further information about the workshop (German only)
Further information about the AGMB annual meeting
more68th Annual Meeting of the GMDS
- Vera Clemens, Julia Fürst
- 17.09.2023 to 21.09.2023
- 09:00 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr
- Heilbronn
Tutorial on 21/9/2023 at 2pm-4pm in room N.0.21: "FAIRifizierung von Studiendaten in klinischer und epidemiologischer Forschung – NFDI4Health Tutorial"
The tutorial supports researchers in the cultural shift towards FAIR sharing of study data. Participants will learn about the NFDI4Health platform…
moreIFLA Satellite Conference: The Global Impact of Library Publishing
- Ursula Arning, Nicole Brune
- 19.08.2023 to 19.08.2023
- 09:51 Uhr bis 17:53 Uhr
- The Hague
PUBLISSO members will moderate a panel "Library publishers and open infrastructures collaborating to increase the impact of library publishing" and give a Lightning Talk on "Implementing file-based accessible workflows on PUBLISSO: impact and development".
moreIFLA Satellite Conference: Inclusiveness through Openness
- Ursula Arning, Jasmin Schmitz
- 18.08.2023 to 19.08.2023
- 08:30 Uhr bis 12:30 Uhr
- Rotterdam
PUBLISSO members are involved in the conference organisation and contribute a presentation on "From Impact Factors to Responsible Research Assessment and Open Metrics: which suggestions are currently on the table?"
moreRDM Workshop
- Katja Diederichs, Birte Lindstädt, Katharina Markus, Roman Riedel, Justine Vandendorpe
- 10.07.2023 to 12.07.2023
- 09:00 Uhr bis 12:30 Uhr
- Online
The workshop is aimed at (bio)medical researchers of all qualification levels who are interested in being introduced to the basics and best practices of research data management (RDM). It is offered as part of a cooperation between ZB MED and the University Bonn and will take place on July 10 and…