Selection of video tutorials dealing with open access and open data
The following table contains a selection of video tutorials dealing with open access and open data which are eligible for potential reuse.
Background information (German only)
Please note that ZB MED is not responsible for the content. If you want to reuse the tutorials please consider the terms of licences of the copyright holders.
The table will be updated on a regular basis. For suggestions please contact
The following topic will be covered here for you:
Open Science, Open Access, Preprints, Research Data Management, Journal Quality, Peer Review, Preregistration, Journal Impact Factor, h-Index, Altmetrics, Authorship, Persistent Identifiers, Scientific Misconduct & Integrity, Citation
Open Science
Title | Provided by | Topic | Content | Licence | Length | Language | devoid of institutional references yes/no |
Pillar 3: Open Code | Taylor & Francis | open science | advantages of open code | not specified | 01:00 | ENG | no |
Importance of Open Research | Taylor & Francis | open science | advantages of open research | not specified | 01:03 | ENG | no |
Wie wird Forschung nachhaltiger? | Kurze Frage zu Open Science | TU Dresden entdecken | open science | sustainable research data, registered reports, open materials, open data | not specified | 03:04 | GER | no |
UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science | UNESCO | open science | the goal of open science | not specified | 03:23 | ENG | no |
Open licenses for open research | Brinken, H., Hauss, J. & Rücknagel, J. (Technische Informationsbibliothek) | open science | the importance of CC-licenses for open science | CC BY 3.0 DE | 02:17 | ENG | yes |
Open Science: what, how & why? (subtitles) | SHB Online | open science | definition, goals and benefits of open science | CC BY (according to YouTube meta data) | 03:50 | ENG | no |
The Open Research Lifecycle | Center for Open Science | Center for Open Science | open science | goals of the open science movement, definition open research lifecycle | not specified | 05:52 | ENG | no |
Open Science and research workflow | Ivo Grigorov | open science | infrastructures for open science | CC-BY | 02:00 | ENG | yes |
Open Science: Conclusion | Ivo Grigorov | open science | advantages of open science | CC-BY | 01:02 | ENG | yes |
Intersections of Openness: Open Access, Science, & Education | Iowa State University | open science | introduction to open access, open science, and open education | CC-BY (according to YouTube meta data) | 04:19 | ENG | no |
Open Research | Graham Steel | open science | open science basics | CC-BY (according to YouTube meta data) | 01:31 | ENG | yes |
Open Access
Title | Provided by | Topic | Content | Licence | Length | Language | devoid of institutional references yes/no |
Pillar 1: Open Access | Taylor & Francis | open access | advantages of open access publishing | not specified | 01:27 | ENG | no |
Open Access in 60 seconds | Brinken, H., Hauss, J. & Rücknagel, J. (Technische Informationsbibliothek) | open access | brief explanation of open access | CC BY 3.0 DE | 01:15 | ENG | yes |
10 Gründe für Open Access | Brinken, H. (Technische Informationsbibliothek) | open access | advantages of open access publishing | CC BY 3.0 DE | 04:18 | GER | yes |
Finanzierung von Open-Access-Artikeln | Brinken, H. (Technische Informationsbibliothek) | open access | funding of publication fees for open access publications | CC BY 3.0 DE | 03:57 | GER | yes |
Finanzierung von Open-Access-Monographien | Brinken, H. (Technische Informationsbibliothek) | open access | open access monograph: funding and grants | CC BY 3.0 DE | 03:12 | GER | yes |
Was ist Open Access? - Ein Animations- film von KOMPAKT- MEDIEN | KOMPAKT- MEDIEN Agentur für Kommuni- kation GmbH | open access | advantages of open access, green and golden OA | not specified | 02:45 | GER | yes |
Open Access - Myth vs. Fact | Editage Insights | open access | prejudices against open access | not specified | 02:36 | ENG | no |
Open Access Policies: An Introduction from COAPI | SPARC | open access | open access policy | CC-BY (according to YouTube meta data) | 01:38 | ENG | no |
Open Access - Why Open Science? | Centrum Cyfrowe | open access | open science basics | CC-BY-SA 3.0 Poland | 01:21 | ENG | no |
Open Access 2020 | MaxPlanck_ Society | open access | transformation | not specified | 02:26 | ENG | no |
What is Open Access? | Copyright Clearance Centre | open access | dimensions of openness | not specified | 03:36 | ENG | no |
What is Open Access? + Myths | TWU Libraries | open access | overview, myths | CC-BY (according to YouTube meta data) | 03:46 | ENG | yes |
What is Open Access? | SHB (Samen- werkings- verband Hogeschool- bibliotheken) Online | open access | description of open access, impact and licensing options | CC-BY (according to YouTube meta data) | 05:01 | ENG | no |
Open Access Content in Web of Science | Web of Science Training | open access | finding open access content in Web of Science | not specified | 02:25 | ENG | no |
Gold Open Access | OU Library | open access | explanation gold open access | not specified | 02:46 | ENG | no |
Research in 3 Minutes: Open Access | Office of Scholarly Communi- cation, Cambridge | open access | open access basics | CC-BY-SA | 03:12 | ENG | no |
Title | Provided by | Topic | Content | Licence | Length | Language | devoid fo institutional references yes/no |
What are preprints? | iBiology | preprints | brief introduction to preprints: advantages and compatibility with peer review | not specified | 04:00 | ENG | yes |
Preprint Servers: Balancing the Pros and Cons | Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library | preprints | advantages and disadvantages of preprints | CC BY NC SA | 03:47 | ENG | no |
What are Preprints? | John Bond | preprints | brief introduction to preprints: advantages, disadvantages, publishing in journals, and arXiv | not specified | 03:35 | ENG | yes |
Title | Provided by | Topic | Content | Licence | Length | Language | devoid of institutional references yes/no |
Creative Commons licenes for Open Access | Brinken, H., Hauss, J. & Rücknagel, J. (Technische Informationsbibliothek) | creative commons licence | choosing the right license for open access publication | CC BY 3.0 DE | 02:01 | ENG | yes |
The correct indication of a license | Brinken, H., Hauss, J. & Rücknagel, J. (Technische Informationsbibliothek) | creative commons licence | instructions on how to correctly indicate a license | CC BY 3.0 DE | 01:59 | ENG | yes |
Die Non-Commercial-Lizenz in der Wissenschaft | Brinken, H., Hauss, J. & Rücknagel, J. (Technische Informationsbibliothek) | creative commons licence | problems concerning the non-commercial licenses for scientiftic publications | CC BY 3.0 DE | 02:12 | GER | yes |
How exactly do Creative Commons licenses work? | Brinken, H., Hauss, J. & Rücknagel, J. (Technische Informationsbibliothek) | creative commons licence | introduction to the use of CC-licenses | CC BY 3.0 DE | 02:33 | GER | yes |
Creative Commons License | Eric Lysenko | creative commons licence | searching videos and pictures with a CC licence | not specified | 03:07 | ENG | yes |
Obtaining a Creative Commons license | Linda Vanasupa | creative commons licence | choosing a CC licence | not specified | 03:26 | ENG | yes |
Creative Commons licenses - A short explanation | Simon Mettler | creative commons licence | definition licences | not specified | 01:20 | ENG | yes |
Vorsicht bei Nutzung von Material unter "Creative Commons" -Lizenzen | Kanzlei WBS | creative commons licence | Deutschlandfunk case; legal problems using CC licences | not specified | 03:05 | GER | no |
Creative Commons Spectrum of Rights Video | Voice Brand Consultant / VO / Volunteer Life and Career Coach | creative commons licence | types of licences | CC-BY-SA 3.0 | 05:00 | ENG | yes |
Creating OER and Combining Licenses - Full | TheOG- Repository | creative commons licence | CC licences basics | CC-BY-SA 3.0 | 09:16 | ENG | yes |
Erklärung der CC-Lizenz- kombinationen | DasRUBeL- Team | creative commons licence | CC licences basics | CC-BY-SA 4.0 | 05:45 | GER | no |
Using Creative Commons Content | GCFLearn- | creative commons licence | CC licences basics; research of CC-licenced works | not specified | 02:01 | ENG | no |
#OERklärt – Entschlüs- seln der Creative Commons- Lizenzcodes | OERinfo – Informations- stelle OER | creative commons licence | explaining CC licence abbreviations | CC-BY 4.0 | 03:24 | GER | yes |
#OERklärt – Creative Commons-Lizenzen erklärt mit dem lehrreichen Lizenz- modulator | OERinfo – Informations- stelle OER | creative commons licence | types of licences | CC-BY 4.0 | 03:34 | GER | yes |
What are Creative Common Licenses? | U of G Library | creative commons licence | CC licences basics | CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 | 01:57 | ENG | no |
Creative Commons for Coursework | Seminole State Library | creative commons licence | CC licences basics, tips for naming the licensor | CC-BY (according to YouTube meta data) | 02:26 | ENG | yes |
OER Woran erkennt man OER? Die OER Lizenzen (Open Educational Resources) OER & Recht | OERinForm Projekt | creative commons licence | types of licences and compatibility of licences in terms of OER | CC-BY-SA 4.0 | 03:40 | GER | no |
Creative Commons License | Taurusiger | creative commons licence | creative commons basics; types of licences | not specified | 02:04 | ENG | no |
Research Data Management
Title | Provided by | Topic | Content | Licence | Length | Language | devoid of institutional references yes/no |
FAIR data principles: What is FAIR? | Statistics Canada | research data management | definition and function of FAIR-data | not specified | 08:22 | ENG | no |
Open Science Module 4: FAIR Data | Universität Konstanz | research data management | defining, implementing, and researching FAIR-data | not specified | 08:25 | ENG | no |
Inhalte eines Datenmanagementplans | Medien für die Lehre | research data management | structure and content of data management plans | not specified | 08:49 | GER | no |
„Open Science: Von Daten zu Publikationen“: Repositorien | Universität Konstanz | research data management | choosing a repository to publish your data; metadata | CC BY 4.0 (according to YouTube metadata) | 11:58 | GER | no |
The FAIR principles explained | Maastricht University | research data management | life cycle of research data and explanation of the FAIR principles | not specified | 02:09 | ENG | no |
Frau Dr. Grünsteins Problem mit Forschungsdaten | BID2016 - Call for Clips | research data management | basics, data management | not specified | 03:02 | GER | no |
European Open Science Cloud: Offene Forschungsdaten quer durch die Disziplinen | ZBW - Leibniz- Informations- zentrum Wirtschaft | research data management | concept of the European Open Science Cloud | not specified | 03:48 | GER | no |
GO FAIR Initiative: Offene Forschungs- daten für alle! | ZBW - Leibniz- Informations- zentrum Wirtschaft | research data management | introduction to the GO-FAIR initiative | not specified | 03:37 | GER | no |
Addressing a researcher's data sharing concerns | Research Data Netherlands | research data management | concerns about open data | not specified | 03:40 | ENG | no |
Data Curation - a conceptual map | Tim Norris | research data management | life cycle of research data | not specified | 03:14 | ENG | no |
Managing your research data | Lilian Austin | research data management | importance of research data management | not specified | 02:05 | ENG | yes |
Unlock the power of research data | EU Science Hub - Joint Research Centre | research data management | research data in the EU | not specified | 02:09 | ENG | no |
Research Data Lifecycle | UK DATA SERVICE | research data management | life cycle of research data | CC-BY (according to YouTube meta data) | 01:40 | ENG | no |
Research Data: What you need to know [GFBio & eResearch- Alliance] | GFBio | research data management | basics of research data and data sharing | not specified | 02:48 | ENG | no |
Research Data Governance | Australian Research Data Commons - ARDC | research data management | importance of reasearch data management, FAIR principles, and the data management procedure | CC BY (laut YouTube-Metadaten) | 04:01 | ENG | yes |
Six Things You Should Know About Research Data Management Before Starting Your Master's Thesis | Medical Photonics | research data management | introduction to RDM for graduate students | not specified | 05:37 | ENG | yes |
Knowledge clip: What is Research Data Management (RDM) | UGent Data Stewards | research data management | introduction to research data management | CC-BY (according to YouTube meta data) | 03:30 | ENG | no |
Forschungs- daten- Management und Erstellung von Daten- management- plan-Plänen | Forschungs- daten- management Bayern | research data management | introduction to research data management | CC-BY (according to YouTube meta data) | 03:59 | GER | no |
Moore Minute: Research Data Management | Claire Sewell | research data management | basics and importance of research data management | not specified | 01:09 | ENG | no |
Data Research in 3 Minutes: Management Plans | Office of Scholarly Communication, Cambridge | research data management | data management planning | CC-BY (according to YouTube meta data) | 02:55 | ENG | no |
#01 Relevante Repositorien finden Forschungsdaten suchen & nachnutzen | Forschungs- daten- management Bayern | research data management | find a suitable repository | CC-BY (according to YouTube meta data) | 02:59 | GER | no |
#02 Recherche- strategie entwickeln und anwenden Forschungsdaten suchen & nachnutzen | Forschungs- daten- management Bayern | research data management | search for research data examples in GESIS | CC-BY (according to YouTube meta data) | 05:19 | GER | no |
#03 Technische Nachnutzbarkeit von Forschungsdaten bewerten Forschungsdaten suchen & nachnutzen | Forschungs- daten- management Bayern | research data management | criteria for technical reusability of research data | CC-BY (according to YouTube meta data) | 03:31 | GER | no |
#04 Qualität der Daten- dokumentation bewerten Forschungsdaten suchen & nachnutzen | Forschungs- daten- management Bayern | research data management | relevance of data documentation for traceability of research data | CC-BY (according to YouTube meta data) | 03:52 | GER | no |
#05 Forschungsdaten rechtmäßig nachnutzen Forschungsdaten suchen & nachnutzen | Forschungs- daten- management Bayern | research data management | legal framework for the subsequent use of research data | CC-BY (according to YouTube meta data) | 03:12 | GER | no |
Journal Quality
Title | Provided by | Topic | Content | Licence | Length | Language | devoid of institutional references yes/no |
How to find if the journal is peer reviewed or not? How to tell if a paper is peer reviewed? | XploreBio | journal quality | researchng peer reviewed journals | not specified | 03:53 | ENG | no |
The Problem of Predatory Journals | IFIS Publishing | journal quality | methods of predatory journals | not specified | 02:28 | ENG | no |
Was sind predatory journals, und woran erkenne ich sie? | die bibliothekarinnen | journal quality | definition of predatory publishing and how to identify dubious journals | not specified | 03:49 | GER | yes |
Think. Check. Submit. | Think. Check. Submit. | journal quality | "Think. Check. Submit."-initiative for identifiying predatory journals | not specified | 01:57 | ENG | yes |
What is a predatory journal and why is it a problem? Tips to identify and avoid them | IFIS Publishing | journal quality | warning signs and recommendations for researching safe open access journals | not specified | 05:13 | ENG | no |
8 ways to identify a questionable open access journal | AJE - American Journal Experts | journal quality | warning signs to identify predatory journals | not specified | 03:46 | ENG | no |
Research in 3 Minutes: Predatory Publishers | Office of Scholarly Communication, Cambridge | journal quality | definitions predatory journals, warning signs | CC-BY (according to YouTube meta data) | 03:28 | ENG | no |
Identifying Predatory Publishers | University of Manitoba Libraries | journal quality | identifying predatory publishers | not specified | 02:14 | ENG | no |
Peer Review
Title | Provided by | Topic | Content | Licence | Length | Language | devoid of institutional references yes/no |
Pillar 4: What is Open Peer Review? | Taylor & Francis | peer review | introduction to open peer review | not specified | 01:07 | ENG | no |
Peer-Review: Wie begutachtet man ein Manuskript einer klinischen Studie | die bibliothekarinnen | peer review | advice and requirements for clinical trial reviewers, review process flow | not specified | 05:33 | GER | yes |
Open Peer Review Explained | EU Science & Innovation | peer review | open peer review procedure | not specified | 02:04 | ENG | no |
What is Peer Review? | Deakin Library | peer review | peer review process, research peer reviewed publications. | not specified | 03:41 | ENG | no |
Identify a Peer Reviewed Article | USC Libraries | peer review | research peer-reviewed publications | not specified | 02:45 | ENG | no |
Problems with Peer Review | Office of Scholary Communication, Cambridge | peer review | disadvantages in the classic peer review system | not specified | 04:25 | ENG | no |
Peer Review | Informationsmarkt | peer review | peer review process; variation | not specified | 03:01 | ENG | no |
Peer Review- What it is, and how to find it | Molly Montgomery | peer review | peer review process; retraction | not specified | 03:20 | ENG | no |
What is a peer-reviewed journal? | Webster University Libraries | peer review | peer-reviewed journals | not specified | 03:25 | ENG | yes |
All About Peer Review | CSUDH Library | peer review | peer review process; retraction | CC-BY (according to YouTube meta data) | 02:58 | ENG | no |
What is a peer reviewed journal article? | Carleton University Library | peer review | peer review process | not specified | 03:25 | ENG | no |
The Peer Review Process | American Chemical Society | peer review | peer review process | not specified | 02:16 | ENG | no |
Title | Provided by | Topic | Content | Licence | Length | Language | devoid of institutional references yes/no |
Sarah MacQuarrie: Qualitative pre-registration | The University of Manchester Library | preregistration | examples of preregistration at the University of Manchester | not specified | 02:42 | ENG | no |
Journal Impact Factor
Title | Provided by | Topic | Content | Licence | Length | Language | devoid of institutional references yes/no |
Journal Impact Factor and Article-level Data | Web of Science Training | Journal Impact Factor | calculating, researching, and interpreting the JIF; Clarivate Journal Citation Reports | not specified | 02:00 | ENG | no |
How to find latest Impact Factor of a journal? Best way to find out impact factor of an article? | XploreBio | Journal Impact Factor | JIF and journal quality; researching a journals impact factor | not specified | 04:42 | ENG | no |
How to Calculate Journal Impact Factor Explained | The Complete Guide to Everything | Journal Impact Factor | calculating the JIF | not specified | 02:33 | ENG | yes |
Understanding the impact factor | Die Bibliothek Wirtschaft & Management | Journal Impact Factor | research and use of the JIF to determine journal quality | not specified | 04:28 | ENG | no |
EP 06: IMPACT FACTOR | 2-MIN METRICS SERIES | Digital and Multimedia Services, HKBU Library | Journal Impact Factor | basics JIF, Research JIF in Web of Science | not specified | 02:59 | ENG | no |
JCR on InCites: Quick Tour | Web of Science Training | Journal Impact Factor | using JIF | not specified | 03:01 | ENG | no |
What's New in Journal Citation Reports: 2019 | Web of Science Training | Journal Impact Factor | new features Journal Citation Reports 2019 | not specified | 02:05 | ENG | no |
Title | Provided by | Topic | Content | Licence | Length | Language | devoid of institutional references yes/no |
Understanding the h index | Bernard Becker Medical Libraries | h-Index | calculation and significance of the h-index for researchers' reputations | not specified | 05:27 | ENG | no |
What is the h-index? | John Bond | h-index | explanation of the h-index, advantages and disadvantages | not specified | 03:40 | ENG | no |
EP 05: h-index | 2-MIN METRICS SERIES | Digital and Multimedia Services, HKBU Library | h-index | basics h-index, comparative search in Scopus, Google Scholar and Web of Science | not specified | 02:40 | ENG | no |
h-index | Research Support | h-index | h-index limitations | not specified | 01:28 | ENG | yes |
UMPLib - How to find individual H Index in Scopus, WOS, and Google Scholar | UMP Library Channel | h-index | searching h-index via Scopus, Google Scholar and WOS | not specified | 03:43 | ENG | no |
Show your research impact with a Google Scholar profile | Laurier Library | h-index | making one's own h-index visible via a Google Scholar profile | CC-BY (according to YouTube meta data) | 02:23 | ENG | no |
Title | Provided by | Topic | Content | Licence | Length | Language | devoid of institutional references yes/no |
What are 'altmetrics'? | Altmetric YouTube Channel | altmetrics | five advantages of altmetrics | not specified | 03:57 | ENG | yes |
What are Altmetrics? | John Bond | altmetrics | overview of altmetrics | not specified | 03:45 | ENG | no |
EP 04: ALTMETRICS | 2-MIN METRICS SERIES | Digital and Multimedia Services, HKBU Library | altmetrics | basics and advantages of altmetrics, PlumX Metrics in Scopus | not specified | 02:40 | ENG | no |
Module 3.6 Altmetrics | UCSantaCruzLibrary | altmetrics | application to research data, problems | CC-BY-NC | 02:14 | ENG | no |
MTJ Media Altmetric Badges for Books | MTJ Media | altmetrics | altmetrics for books | not specified | 01:09 | ENG | no |
Podcast Altmetrics | OU Library | altmetrics | definitions, pros and cons | not specified | 02:54 | ENG | no |
Altmetrics | WKWSCI Alumni Magazine | altmetrics | comparison altmetrics - bibliometrics | not specified | 01:34 | ENG | no |
Research tip: Altmetrics - an introduction to the rainbow donut | EMU Library | altmetrics | basics, positive aspects for research | CC-BY (according to YouTube meta data) | 03:36 | ENG | no |
Altmetrics: Eine faire Bewertung von Qualität | ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft | altmetrics | fields of application, supporting open science | not specified | 03:52 | GER | no |
A beginner's guide to altmetrics | Altmetric YouTube Channel | altmetrics | definitions | CC-BY (according to YouTube meta data) | 02:59 | ENG | no |
How to use altmetrics for professional advancement | Altmetric YouTube Channel | altmetrics | using altmetrics for tenure dossiers | CC-BY (according to YouTube meta data) | 02:44 | ENG | no |
Title | Provided by | Topic | Content | Licence | Length | Language | devoid of institutional references yes/no |
Laboratory Life: Author Order (Episode 1) | Drmaxlib | authorship | possible procedure to promote equity in author-order | not specified | 10:57 | ENG | no |
Authors and types of authorship in research. | XploreBio | authorship | interpreting author-order; honorary authorship | not specified | 04:19 | ENG | yes |
Persistent Identifiers
Title | Provided by | Topic | Content | Licence | Length | Language | devoid of institutional references yes/no |
„Open Science: Von Daten zu Publikationen“: Persistente Identifikatoren – Dauerhaften Zugang sichern | Universität Konstanz | persistent identifiers | definition and function; DOI; ORCID | CC BY 4.0 (according to YouTube metadata) | 06:37 | GER | no |
Persistent Identifier (PID) | Medien für die Lehre | persistent identifiers | definition and function; example | not specified | 06:02 | GER | no |
What are Persistent Identifiers and why to use them? | FAIRsFAIR EU | persistent identifiers | definition and function | not specified | 02:42 | ENG | yes |
Scientific Misconduct and Integrity
Title | Provided by | Topic | Content | Licence | Length | Language | devoid of institutional references yes/no |
Integrity and security in the global research ecosystem | OECD Science, Technology and Innovation | scientific misconduct & integrity | scientific integrity and security; international cooperations; scientific autonomy; recommendations | not specified | 04:34 | ENG | yes |
What is research integrity? | H2020 INTEGRITY | scientific misconduct & integrity | pillars of good scientific research practice | not specified | 01:17 | ENG | no |
Is there a reproducibility crisis in science? - Matt Anticole | TED-Ed | scientific misconduct & integrity | publications bias and fabrication | not specified | 04:46 | ENG | yes |
Research Misconduct: Fabrication & Falsification | Lone Star College North Harris Library | scientific misconduct & integrity | fabrication and falsification as types of scientific misconduct | not specified | 03:45 | ENG | yes |
Research Ethics & Misconduct - Fabrication, Plagiarism and Falsification (NTA NET Paper 1) | Examrace | scientific misconduct & integrity | scientific integrity, ethics in science, and types of misconduct | not specified | 05:47 | ENG | yes |
Avoiding Research Misconduct | 101 Health Research | scientific misconduct & integrity | fabrication, falsification, types of plagiarism | not specified | 05:20 | ENG | no |
Title | Provided by | Topic | Content | Licence | Length | Language | devoid fo institutional references yes/no |
#06 Forschungsdaten zitieren | Forschungsdaten suchen & nachnutzen | Forschungsdatenmanagement Bayern | Citation | how to cite research data | not specified | 03:05 | GER | yes |
Citing Yourself* | WUWritingCenter | Citation | self-citation | not specified | 01:16 | ENG | no |
Updated: February 2023

Dr. Jasmin Schmitz
Head of Publication Advisory Services
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